motivational abcs book alix jordanTo create a book of Motivational quotes was a natural progression from creating a Calendar of 52 quotes in 2021.

I’d received so much great feedback and interest in the Calendar that it prompted me to explore further ideas.

A friend came up with the concept of an “ABC book” regarding a different subject, and I immediately saw how I could use that as a format for motivational purposes.

When I started working on the detail all the pieces came together to create the final package, resulting in "Motivational ABC’s".

Now available in our ONLINE SHOP

Lovely message just received:

Hi Alix!

What a great product and it’s great quality !

There’s so many clever, inspiring quotes. Love ‘em – really do!

Gorgeous pictures too. You’re so very clever Alix and I’m thrilled to be able to give it to my sister-in-law, as a gift.

I checked out your video and it’s great – what a bonus!